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The Ghent Altarpiece: Eve (detail)

Artist: Eyck, Jan van
Year: 1430-1432
Medium: Oil on wood
Copyright: Public Domain

Early Artists
Gothic (1100s-1400s)

Northern Renaissance
Renaissance Artists

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  1. Agony in the Garden
  2. Allegoric Figure of a Boy (Atys), front view
  3. Allegoric Figure of a Boy (Atys), front view
  4. Allegoric Figure of a Boy (Atys), rear view
  5. Annunciation
  6. Annunciation
  7. Annunciation (detail)
  8. Annunciation (detail)
  9. Annunciation (detail)
  10. Ascension of St John
  11. Assumption of the Virgin (detail of the Brancacci tomb)
  12. Bearded Prophet
  13. Bearded Prophet (detail)
  14. Bust of Niccolo da Uzzano
  15. Candelabra Angels
  16. Cantoria
  17. Cantoria
  18. Cantoria (detail)
  19. Cantoria (detail)
  20. Cantoria (detail)
  21. Cantoria (detail)
  22. Cantoria (detail)
  23. Chellini Madonna (Virgin and Child with Four Angels), recto
  24. Chellini Madonna (Virgin and Child with Four Angels), verso
  25. Christ before Pilate and Caiaphas
  26. Ciborium
  27. Crucifix
  28. Crucifix
  29. Crucifixion
  30. David
  31. David
  32. David (detail)
  33. David (detail)
  34. David (detail)
  35. David (detail)
  36. David (front view)
  37. David (rear view)
  38. David of Casa Martelli
  39. Deposition
  40. Deposition (detail)
  41. Door with the representation of Apostles
  42. Door with the representation of Martyrs
  43. Entombment
  44. Entombment
  45. Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata
  46. Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata
  47. Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata (detail)
  48. Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata (detail)
  49. Evangelist John
  50. Evangelist Luke
  51. Evangelist Mark
  52. Evangelist Matthew
  53. Faith
  54. Funeral Monument to John XXIII
  55. Funeral Monument to John XXIII (detail)
  56. Funeral Monument to John XXIII (detail)
  57. Funeral Monument to John XXIII (detail)
  58. Herod's Banquet
  59. Herod's Banquet
  60. Hope
  61. Judith and Holofernes
  62. Judith and Holofernes
  63. Judith and Holofernes (detail)
  64. Judith and Holofernes (detail)
  65. Judith and Holofernes (detail)
  66. Lamentation over the Dead Christ
  67. Madonna and Child between St Francis and St Anthony
  68. Madonna of the Clouds
  69. Madonna with the Child
  70. Martyrdom of St John
  71. Marzocco
  72. Miracle of the Ass
  73. Miracle of the Ass (detail)
  74. Miracle of the Avaricious Man's Heart
  75. Miracle of the New-born Child
  76. Miracle of the New-born Child (detail)
  77. Miracle of the Repentant Son
  78. Musician Angels
  79. Musician Angels
  80. North pulpit
  81. Old Sacristy
  82. Panel of the door with the Apostles
  83. Panel of the door with the Apostles
  84. Panel of the door with the Martyrs
  85. Pazzi Madonna
  86. Prophet (left of the Porta della Mandorla)
  87. Prophet (right of the Porta della Mandorla)
  88. Prophet Habakkuk
  89. Prophet Habakkuk
  90. Prophet Habakkuk (detail)
  91. Prophet Jeremiah
  92. Prophet Jeremiah
  93. Prophet Jeremiah (detail)
  94. Prophet with Scroll
  95. Prophet with Scroll (detail)
  96. Pulpit
  97. Pulpit
  98. Pulpit (detail)
  99. Pulpit (on the left)
  100. Pulpit (on the right)
  101. Putti of the trabeation
  102. Resurrection of Druisana
  103. South pulpit
  104. St Cosmas and St Damian
  105. St George
  106. St George
  107. St George (detail)
  108. St George and the Dragon
  109. St John on Patmos
  110. St John the Baptist
  111. St John the Baptist
  112. St John the Baptist (detail)
  113. St John the Evangelist
  114. St John the Evangelist (detail)
  115. St Louis
  116. St Mark
  117. St Mark
  118. St Mary Magdalen
  119. St Mary Magdalen (detail)
  120. St Rossore
  121. St Rossore (detail)
  122. St Stephen and St Lawrence
  123. The High Altar of St Anthony
  124. The High Altar of St Anthony
  125. The Sacrifice of Isaac
  126. Tomb of Cardinal Rainaldo Brancacci
  127. Tomb of Giovanni Crivelli (detail)
  128. Tombstone of Bishop Giovanni Pecci
  129. Torture of St Lawrence
  130. Virgin and Child