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La Sultan noir

Artist: Vien, Joseph-Marie, the elder
Year: 1748
Medium: Oil on paper
Dimensions: 26 × 20 cm (10.2 × 7.9 in)
Copyright: Public Domain
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  1.  The Crucifixion
  2. (One of) Five Of The Set Of Cardinal Virtues
  3. #107, from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  4. #87, from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  5. #88, from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  6. #90, from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  7. #94, from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  8. #95, from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  9. #96, from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  10. A Bride from Strassbourg
  11. A Bride from Zürich
  12. A Brook Near Geneva, Suisse (1851) from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  13. A Burgher's Wife from Bern
  14. A Composition
  15. A Composition: Men and Cows
  16. A Diplomat
  17. A Dream in Araby
  18. A Dutch Sailor's Wife
  19. A English Noblewoman in Winter Clothing
  20. A Female with Tied Back Hair and a Bald Male Facing Each Other
  21. A Gentlewoman from Vienna
  22. A Group of Muffs
  23. A L'Elysée-Montmartre
  24. A Lady of Cologne
  25. A Lay Sister of the Order of St. Clare
  26. A Master of Ceremonies
  27. A Noblewoman from Bohemia
  28. A Noblewoman from Brabant
  29. A Norbortine Monk of the Praæmonstratentian Order
  30. A Pastoral Fantasy
  31. A sheet of curious and comical sketches, from Le Chat Noir
  32. A Sketch (Two Arabs)
  33. A Spanish courtyard
  34. A Spanish Noblewoman
  35. A Street in Seville
  36. A Water Gate in Venice
  37. A Woman Nursing an Infant with a Child and a Dog
  38. A Woman Singing
  39. After the Earthquake
  40. Allegorical Piece around
  41. Allegories of the Fine Arts as Children - Architecture
  42. Allegories of the Fine Arts as Children - Music
  43. Allegories of the Fine Arts as Children - Painting
  44. Allegories of the Fine Arts as Children - Sculpture
  45. Allegory Of Christianity
  46. Angel on Warrior's Horse led by Warrior
  47. Arab veillant le corps de son ami
  48. Arches And Loggia
  49. Architectural Landscape
  50. Arms with Lion
  51. Ascension of the Virgin Mary
  52. Ascension of the Virgin Mary
  53. At Chestnut Street Bridge
  54. At Colney
  55. At Hackford
  56. At Meringen (Canton of Berne , Suisse)
  57. At Scoutton
  58. Back of the New Mills
  59. Banks of a Stream or Pond with Three Willows
  60. Beggar
  61. Below Chestnut St. Bridge, Philadelphia
  62. Betrayal Of Christ
  63. Bordes de l'Allier (Banks of the Allier)
  64. Bridge at Meaux on the Marne, drawing for Century Magazine, June 1906
  65. By-Products (Coke Ovens)
  66. Celadon and Amelia
  67. Ceyx and Alcyone
  68. Charity
  69. Christ
  70. Christ and Nicodemus
  71. Christ Bearing The Cross
  72. Circumcision
  73. Cognitio, from a set of the Cardinal Virtues
  74. Composition: Sandy Road through Woodland
  75. Cour Normande dans le Vallee d'Auge
  76. Cupid's Offering
  77. Dead Kabyle
  78. Death of Lucretia
  79. Death, on a charger, accompanies the troops, from Le Chat Noir
  80. Deepham, near Hingham
  81. Der Geiger (The Fiddler) from
  82. Drapery Study
  83. Ecce Homo
  84. Entrance to the Canal, From the Pacific
  85. Expulsion From Paradise
  86. Farrier in Morocco
  87. Feast Scene
  88. Fidelity, from a set of the Cardinal Virtues
  89. Fighting Tritons
  90. Fire in a Missouri Meadow and a Party of Sioux Indians Escaping from It, Upper Missouri
  91. Footbridge at Cringleford
  92. Forest near Geneva, Suisse
  93. Fortitude, from a set of the Cardinal Virtues
  94. Fortune
  95. Fortune Teller
  96. Front of the New Mills, Norwich
  97. Gentleman Examining Print
  98. Glacier de l'Aigle (Handeck, Canton of Berne, Suisse)
  99. Guard of the Kasbah in Tetuan
  100. Hercules And The Garment Of Nessus
  101. Hercules Fighting The Trojans
  102. Hercules Slaying The Hydra-headed Monster
  103. Idyll (Young Goarherd)
  104. It's the Sun, from Le Chat Noir
  105. Italian Woman
  106. Job Conversing With His Friends
  107. Joseph and Potiphar's Wife
  108. Judith
  109. Judith Seated in an Arch
  110. Jupiter-homage To The King
  111. Justice, from a set of the Cardinal Virtues
  112. Kenilworth Castle
  113. King Charles II of Spain
  114. L'entre en scene
  115. La Mi Careme
  116. La Table
  117. La Vache enragee
  118. Lac des quatre cantons, from Two lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  119. Lake and Boat on It, Wickerswell, Somerleyton (Back of the Mills)
  120. Lake Brientz Suisse (1853) from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  121. Lake Geneva
  122. Lake Geneva
  123. Lake Geneva
  124. Lake Lucerne
  125. Lake of Brietz
  126. Lake of Eschinenn
  127. Lake of Lowertz, Suisse (1853) from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  128. Lake of the Four Cantons (Lake Lucerne)
  129. Landscape
  130. Landscape
  131. Landscape
  132. Landscape
  133. Landscape (Haying Time)
  134. Landscape at Beaulieu
  135. Landscape at Capri
  136. Landscape with a Boat in the Foreground
  137. Landscape with a Lockgate
  138. Landscape with an Artist Sketching
  139. Landscape with Huntsman and Dogs
  140. Landscape with Oxen
  141. Landschaft (Landscape) from
  142. Le cheval buvant
  143. Le cheval et le chien
  144. Le cheval qui pisse
  145. Le coucher de la Mariee
  146. Le Fôret
  147. Le Midi
  148. Le payan conduisant un cheval
  149. Lecons De Paysage
  150. Les chevaux au paturage
  151. Les deux chevaux morts
  152. Les Funerailles
  153. Lion and Leopard Hunt
  154. Lot And His Daughters
  155. Lucretia
  156. Madonna and Child
  157. Madonna and Child with Infant St John the Baptist and Attending Angel
  158. Male child
  159. Man killing his lice
  160. Man Kneeling in Prayer (recto)
  161. Man with cane, admiring Chinese vase
  162. Mary Healy in Capri
  163. Meditation
  164. Melancholia
  165. Mercury and Jupiter in the House of Philemon and Baucis
  166. Misfortune
  167. Miss Healy in Romanian Costume
  168. Mme. Clementine Stora in Algerian Dress (Algerian Woman)
  169. Montigny-sur-Loing
  170. Moroccan Family
  171. Moses And Aaron
  172. Mother and Child
  173. Mousehold Heath, Norwich
  174. Mr. Bannister, Jr. and Mr. Parsons as Scout and Sheepface in
  175. Mule Driver (Muleteer)
  176. Musicians in the Orchestra (Portrait of Desire Dihau)
  177. Near Geneva
  178. Near Interlacken, Suisse (1853) from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  179. Never too late to mend
  180. New York Bay, plate 3 in the book, Choice Etchings (London: Alexander Strahan, 1887)
  181. Noah
  182. Old Couple Dancing To The Left
  183. On The Route To Amalfi at Salermo, Bay of Naples
  184. On the Schiedeck (Berne Canton) Suisse
  185. One of Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  186. One plate from
  187. Oriental Soldier
  188. Ornament With A Mask
  189. Ornament With A Mask
  190. Peasants at their Cottage Door
  191. Peasants Feasting
  192. Pierre aux Fees, Geneva, Suisse
  193. Pierrot
  194. Pierrot
  195. Pierrot at the Front, from Le Chat Noir
  196. Plate 12: The Club Houses and Pall Mall from the series 'Original Views of London As It Is
  197. Plate 15: Huy, on the Meuse from 'Sketches on the Moselle, the Rhine & the Meuse' (London, Hodgson & Graves, 1838)
  198. Plate 18: Roche Bayard on the Meuse, from 'Sketches on the Moselle, the Rhine & the Meuse'
  199. Plate 19: Treves from 'Sketches on the Moselle, the Rhine & the Meuse'
  200. Plate 23: La Chapelle de l'Institut Paris from the series 'Picturesque Architecture in Paris, Ghent, Antwerp, Rouen, etc.'
  201. Plate 25: Bridge on the Moselle Coblentz, from 'Sketches on the Moselle, the Rhine & the Meuse'
  202. Plate 28: Palais de Justice, Liege from 'Sketches on the Moselle, the Rhine & the Meuse'
  203. Plate 29: Cathedral and Ancient Gateway, Huy on the Meuse from 'Sketches on the Moselle, the Rhine & the Meuse'
  204. Plate 3: The Church of St. Mathias, Treves, from 'Sketches on the Moselle, the Rhine & the Meuse'
  205. Portrait of a Lady
  206. Portrait of a Man
  207. Portrait of a Man
  208. Portrait of a Woman
  209. Portrait of a Woman Aged 54
  210. Portrait of an Unknown Man
  211. Portrait of John Berney Crome and Portfolio Cover
  212. Portrait of The Artist Bonaventura Genelli
  213. Portrait of the painter Zamacois (Eduardo Zamacois, 1842-1987)
  214. Portrait of Velasquez
  215. Pozzuoles(?), Bay of Naples
  216. Recumbent Figure of a Man
  217. Rest on the Flight into Egypt
  218. Returning from the Fields
  219. Road by Blasted Oak
  220. Road Scene, Heathersett
  221. Road Scene, Trowse Hall (near Norwich)
  222. Route de Grimsel
  223. Route de Grimsel, Suisse (1853) from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  224. Route de Jussey, near Geneva, Suisse (1853) from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  225. Route de Scheidegg (Berne Canton, Suisse)
  226. Ruines of the Temple of Paestum, Bay of Naples
  227. Sacrifice of Iphigenia
  228. Sailboats on the Seine
  229. Saturn-harvesting And Sowing
  230. Schaunard's studio
  231. Seated Arab
  232. Self-Portrait at age 80
  233. Serenade, no. 10
  234. Shepherdess
  235. Shepherdess
  236. Sketches of a Dancer, a Clown, and a death's head, from Le Chat Noir
  237. Soldier with a Plumed Cap Seen From Behind
  238. Soldier with His Staff Seen from Behind
  239. Souvenir d'Italie
  240. Souvenir d'Italie from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  241. Souvenir of Hasli (Canton of Berne), Suisse
  242. Souvenir of Lake Geneva
  243. Souvenir of Rosenlani, Suisse (1853) from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  244. St Francis Meditating
  245. St. Andrew & St. Thomas
  246. St. Francis Healing a Sick Woman
  247. St. Francis Taming A Hyena
  248. St. John the Baptist
  249. St. Joseph's Church at Madrid
  250. St. Peter And St Paul
  251. St. Philip And St James
  252. Studies of a Cavalier
  253. Studies of a Female Head
  254. Sunset, plate 7 in the book, Choice Etchings (London: Alexander Strahan, 1887)
  255. Tail-Piece For: Contes De Fees
  256. The Adoration of the Magi
  257. The Adoration of the Shepherds
  258. The adventures of a little angel, from Le Chat Noir
  259. The adventures of a young Elephant, from Le Chat Noir
  260. The Anchorite
  261. The Annunciation
  262. The Arms Of Beham
  263. The Artist and the Editor
  264. The Artist's Daughter
  265. The Ascension of Christ, after Alessandro del Turco
  266. The Departure Of The Prodigal Son
  267. The Diligent Daughter and the Ne'er-do-well Son
  268. The Eiffel Tower
  269. The Fisherman
  270. The Fortune Teller
  271. The Garden Enthusiast
  272. The Grand Canal, Venice
  273. The Green Room
  274. The Hall Moor Road near Hingham
  275. The Head of Christ
  276. The Holy Family with Mary Magdalen, St. Francis and Donor
  277. The Inn Near the Grotto of Egeria
  278. The Inner Harbor, Dpeppe: High Tide, Morning, Grey Weather
  279. The Judgment Of Paris
  280. The Justice Of Trajan
  281. The Lake of Nemi, or Speculum Dianae
  282. The Lake,accompanied by verses by Alfred B. Street, fifth plate in the book Autograph Etchings by American Artists
  283. The Magi Before Herod
  284. The Merry Company
  285. The Milliner
  286. The Misses Thorne
  287. The Moon, life and death, from Le Chat Noir
  288. The Old Man
  289. The Old Woman
  290. The Rape Of Helen
  291. The Reichenbach near Rosenlain
  292. The Road
  293. The Sea Nymph
  294. The Season at Niagara Falls- Photographing Visitors, from Harper's Weekly, (August 18. 1877), pp. 644-645
  295. The Tyrrhene Sea
  296. The Village Market
  297. The Virgin with Infant Jesus asleep and an angel
  298. The Young Musician
  299. Three French Nude girls stand out in a Grand Parade, from Le Chat Noir
  300. Three Musicians
  301. Three Soldiers And A Dog
  302. Titus Gracchus
  303. To Madame Rodolphe Salis, from Le Chat Noir
  304. Tomb of Virgil at Pansilope, Naples
  305. Tshi-Zun-Hau-Kau ( He-Who-Runs-with-Deer), Winnebago
  306. Twilight
  307. Two Cardinals
  308. Two Cupids riding on grasshoppers
  309. Untitled (Landscape)
  310. Untitled (Landscape)
  311. Untitled (Rocks by the Seashore)
  312. Valley of Ausasca, Piedmont Italy
  313. Valley of the Aar River (1853) from Fifty lithographs from Oeuvres de A. Calame
  314. Valley of the Aar River (Canton of Berne, Suisse)
  315. Venus
  316. Victory
  317. View of the Ponte Molle, Rome
  318. Vincent Stochove
  319. Winter
  320. Woman in a Bonnet and Woman in Profile
  321. Woman in Neapolitan Costume