'Discovery of Last Chance
'Flying Hooves'
'Lost in a Snow Storm - W
'Our Warriors Return'
'The Strenuous Life'
'When wagon trails were d
A Campsite by the Lake
A Desperate Stand
A Serious Predicament
A Slick Rider
A Tight Dally and a Loose
At Rope's End
Attack on a Wagon Train
Attack on the Wagon Train
Big Horn Sheep
Blackfeet Burning Crow Bu
Breaking Camp
Bringing Home the Spoils
Bronco Busting
Bronk in a Cow Camp
Bucking Bronco
Buffalo Coat
Buffalo Hunt
Buffalo Hunt
Buffalo Hunt
Buffalo Hunt No. 40
Calling the Horses
Camp Cook's Troubles
Captain Lewis Meeting the
Capturing the Grizzly
Carson's Men
Cattle Drive
Charles M. Russell and Hi
Christmas Dinner for the
Coming Across the Plain
Counting Coup
Cowboy Bargaining for an
Cowboy Roping a Steer
Cowboys roping a steer
Cree War Party
Crees Coming in to Trade
Crossing the Missouri No.
Crossing the Range
Crossing the River Charle
Crow Sheep Hunter
Death of a Gambler
Deer at Lake McDonald
Deer Grazing
Deer in a Snowy Forest
Driving Buffalo Over the
Four Mounted Indians
His Heart Sleeps
Holdup on the Boston Road
Horse of the Hunter
Hunting Big Horn Sheep
Illustrated letter, 20th
In Enemy Country
In the Enemy's Country
In the Wake of the Buffal
In Without Knocking
Indian Attack
Indian Camp - Lake McDona
Indian Fight No. 1
Indian Hunt
Indian Hunters' Return
Indian Maid at Stockade
Indian on Horseback
Indian on Horseback with
Indian Party
Indian Rider
Indian Scouting Party
Indian War Party
Indian with Rifle
Indian with Spear
Indian Women Moving
Indian Women Moving Camp
Indian Women Moving Camp
Indians Discovering Lewis
Indians Hunting Buffalo
Indians on a Bluff Survey
Indians on Plains
Innocent Allies
Invocation to the Sun
Joe Kipp's Trading Post
Lake McDonald
Lassoing a Steer
Last of Five Thousand (Wa
Lewis & Clark on the Lowe
Mandan Warrior
Meat for the Tribe
Meat's Not Meat 'Til It's
Medicine Rock
Mourning Her Warrior Dead
Native American 'War Part
Native Americans Plains P
Navajo Wild Horse Hunters
On the Pond
On the Prowl
On the Warpath
Peaceful Valley Saloon
Piegan Hunting Party
Planning the Attack
Plunder on the Horizon
Pointing Out the Trail
Portrait of an Indian
Portrait of Chief Wolf Ro
Powder Face
Rainy Morning
Return of the Navajos
Return of the War Party
Return of the Warriors
Riders of the Open Range
Roping a Grizzly
Roping a Wolf
Round-up on the Musselshe
Running Buffalo
Saloon girl with a drunke
Scouting the Enemy
Shoshone Tribesman
Sighting the Enemy
Signal Smoke
Sioux Torturing a Blackfo
Smoke of a .45
Stagecoach Attack
Start of Roundup
Stolen Horses
Stone-in-Moccasin Woman
Sun River War Party
The Alarm Bell
The Alert
The Attack
The Attack
The Battle Between the Bl
The Beauty Parlor
The Bison Trail
The Bolter No. 2
The Broken Rope
The Buffalo Herd
The Buffalo Hunt
The Buffalo Hunt
The Buffalo Hunt No. 39
The Call of the Law
The Challenge
The Challenge No. 2
The Cinch Ring
The Crow Scout
The Custer Fight
The Exalted Ruler
The Fireboat
The First Trappers
The Horse Thieves
The Judith Basin Roundup
The Lazy K Y
The Lost Trail
The Medicine Man
The Piegans Preparing to
The Renegade
The Romance Makers
The Salute of the Robe Tr
The Scout
The Scouting Party
The Scouts
The Signal
The Slick Ear
The Stand - Crossing the
The Stranglers
The Surround
The Tenderfoot
The Truce
The Wagon Boss
The War Party
Thoroughman's Home on the
Trappers Crossing the Pra
Waiting and Mad
Waiting for the Chinook
War Council
Watching for Wagons
Watching the Settlers
Western Montage
When Blackfeet and Sioux
When Horses Talk There's
When I Was A Kid
When Law Dulls the Edge o
When Shadows Hint Death
When Sioux and Blackfoot
When the Land Belonged to
When the Plains Were His
When the Trail Was Long B
Whooping It Up
Whose Meat
Wild Meat for Wild Men
Wolf and Beaver