A Disinterment of a Badge
A peasant traversing a da
A Pond (Decoration for a
A Rainbow Landscape with
A Stream (Decoration for
Alphonse Legros
Arab Horse at the Post
Aspens on the Bank of the
Au jardin d'acclimatation
Au Jardin d'Acclimation
Bachots au bords de la Se
Birds Nailed to a Barn Do
Boissy d'Anglas présidant
Cat and Crab (Decoration
Charles Meryon
Charles Meryon
Coastal Landscape
Decoration for a Plate: A
Decoration for a Plate: R
Discord, from the Fables
Don Quixote, after Goya
Duck Flying with Snow Cov
Ducks' Pastime
Eaux-fortes par Bracquemo
Edmond de Goncourt
Ex-libris Manet
Félix Bracquemond in 1852
Fisherman with a Net
Frontispiece for "L'Illus
Frontispiece for an Album
Frontispiece for Catalogu
Frontispiece for Engraver
Frontispiece for Les Trét
Frontispiece for Oeuvres
Harnessing of Cattle (Hau
Head of a Cock
Head of a Man
Henri Houssaye, as a chil
Illustrations for Chanson
Jacob Meyer-Heine
Journal, publié par l'art
L'Assiette Républicaine
L'Homme qui court après l
La Fiamma è Vicina al Fuo
La Lac du Bois de Boulogn
La Mer
La Seine à Bas Meudon
La statue de la Résistanc
Landscape Study
Landscape, after Corot
Lapwings and Teals
Le bastion 84
Le Bois de Boulogne
Le Haut d'un battant de p
Le Lapin de Garenne
Les Canards l'ont bien pa
Les Cigognes (The Storks)
Les Demoiselles de villag
Madame Granger, after Ing
Margot la Critique
Nôtre Dame, Paris
Nôtre-Dame (Decoration fo
Odalisque Reclining in a
Panurge Leaving Rominagro
Panurge sortant de chez R
Pheasants at Dawn
Portrait of Alphonse Legr
Portrait of Benjamin Fill
Portrait of Charles Baude
Portrait of Charles Lelan
Portrait of Charles Meryo
Portrait of Delacroix
Portrait of Edmond de Gon
Portrait of Edmond de Gon
Portrait of Edwin Edwards
Portrait of Fernand
Portrait of Fernand
Portrait of Fernand Lesse
Portrait of Joseph Guicha
Portrait of Louis Robert
Portrait of Louis Robert
Portrait of Meryon
Portrait of Meyer-Heine
Portrait of Rabelais
Portrait of the Artist Th
Portrait of Zacharie Astr
Promenade vénitienne (Ven
Rain (Decoration for a Pl
Rue des Bruyères, à Sèvre
Small Farm on the Banks o
Soup plate (part of a set
Stork Flying Above Branch
Surprised Ducks
Teal Among the Reeds
The Amorous Lion, from th
The Death of Matamore
The Dream of an Inhabitan
The Duck
The Dyer's Boat (Bas-Meud
The Gallic Cock -- Long L
The Hare
The Head and the Tail of
The Lake, after Corot
The Locomotive
The Moles (Les taupes)
The Monkey and the Cat, f
The Old Cock
The Old Cock
The Old Cock
The Raven
The Road Leading to Belle
The Seine, seen from Pass
The Storks
The Storm Cloud
The Swallows
The Terrace at the Villa
The Terrace of the Villa
The White Horse, after Co
Title Page for Six Publis
Unpublished frontispiece
View of the Saints-Pères
Vignette for L'Eclipse, a
Winter (or Wolf in the Sn
Woman's Head, from L'Esta